I’ve been following the various trials and have been interested in the response rates and value of using a four-drug combination (a quadruplet) versus a triplet (a three-drug regimen). The last few...
Michael Tuohy
Michael Tuohy was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2000. With two young children (ages 2 and 7) the focus was always on seeking out the best treatment options, myeloma experts, and beating myeloma. Michael has seen many silver linings in life and is grateful for continued interest and research in myeloma. He had an autologous stem cell transplant in 2002 and is currently on Revlimid®. His approach over the years has been to become empowered, engaged and educated to have better conversations with his own healthcare team and to share his experience and hope with others.
Follow Michael on X: @IMFmikeMYELOMA
Support Group Website: Connecticut Multiple Myeloma Fighters Information Group and Warwick RI Multiple Myeloma Support Group
Wrap It Up!
To wrap up my #IMFASH23 experience, I’ll keep it simple and share with you this video that Teresa Miceli and I did at ASH discussing T-Cell redirecting therapy, CAR-T, bi-specifics and comparison of...
My wife, Robin, and I are grateful to have been attending the annual American Society of Hematology (ASH) meetings with the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) since the early 2000’s. Time is...