Robin Tuohy

Robin Tuohy became a passionate advocate in the myeloma world in 2000 when her husband, Michael was diagnosed. In 2005 she began working for the International Myeloma Foundation and is now Vice President Support Groups. Robin attends most major myeloma medical meetings and seminars to learn and share key updates and hope with other patients and care partners. Robin leads the IMF’s Support Group Team and oversees approximately 160 U.S. myeloma specific support groups.

Follow Robin on X: @IMFsupport
Support Group Website: Connecticut Multiple Myeloma Fighters Information Group and Warwick RI Multiple Myeloma Support Group

Pre-ASH Blog

Pre-ASH Blog

I’ve waited to post my “Pre-ASH blog” so that I was able to take some photos to give you a perspective of what ASH is like before the meeting. First, we are grateful to the International Myeloma...

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