Big ASH Experience

Big ASH Experience

To be honest, I started writing this on the third day of ASH, but quickly realized I was going to need to rewatch the sessions and then watch them again. It’s taken me some time to decipher what all the random words I had scribbled down were, and to gather my...
Our Impact: Never Taken for Granted

Our Impact: Never Taken for Granted

Our primary focus at ASH as the Myeloma Voices team is to be just that. To bring the ASH experience and information learned to the greater Myeloma community, both locally, nationally, and globally. During ASH, we accomplish this in several ways: our Facebook Live with...
Myeloma Voices at ASH: Exhausted & Empowered!

Myeloma Voices at ASH: Exhausted & Empowered!

In general, our days at ASH 2023 started with an early morning wake-up, partially due to my East Coast home and West Coast time zone, but I was awake every morning around 4AM. This gave me time to sip coffee, finalize my choices of what presentations to attend that...
Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight Myeloma!

Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight Myeloma!

I’ve been following the various trials and have been interested in the response rates and value of using a four-drug combination (a quadruplet) versus a triplet (a three-drug regimen). The last few years, we have been learning about the response rates, side-effect...